This is shit: Britain’s pollution crisis – New Statesman

systemic fuckwittery for pain and profit…They Bought Tablets in Prison—and Found a Broken Promise | WIRED

It’s as if the 5th Discipline by Peter Senge was never published in the 90s…

And doesn’t this sorry saga of Silo Wars and cost overruns charged to the purchaser, totally remind you of local government in the UK after 14 years of enshittification and funding cuts?

BuggsBunny 5 : Silo War….

can do somw Leave me alone so iI Leave me alone so i

that headline is a result of macros clashing off the Tannhauser Gate, I meant to type: “Leave me alone” it’s world introvert day. Other ‘interesting days’ coming up soon include:


  • 01MONNew Year’s Day HOLIDAY
  • 01MONNew Year HOLIDAY
  • 01MONMexican Independence Day
  • 01MONDry January
  • 01MONVeganuary
  • 01MONInternational Self Care Day
  • 01MONNational Bloody Mary Day
  • 02TUEWorld Introvert Day
  • 04THUWorld Braille Day
  • 04THUNational Trivia Day
  • 04THUWorld Hypnotism Day
  • 05FRINational Whipped Cream Day

I’m not going to discuss that last one, instead I’m going to focus on World Introvert Day, which was yesterday. Yesterday was supposed to be World Procrastination day, but it was put off until the 31st, which is also UK File Your Taxes Day.

and here is somebody else’s lovely work on the topic of…

‘the joy of telling everyone to just fuck off and leave me alone’,

below is an example

A week’s solitude restores me to the sense that I am a person and not a rag-heap for other people to pick over.

Vita Sackville-West
Letter to Virginia Woolf
8th December 1925

and a final comment from a woman:

Beautiful example of a Community of Practice

shame it is from the 70s…

Merry Xmas to my complexity nerd chums

Rory Heap and Ben Taylor

(call me Benjamin, Rick told me it impresses American c-suite wankers)

Xmas Quiz, just for fun: name any institution within the UK State that has NOT fallen victim to the fate described in Conquest’s third rule…

Bizzarely, found on this right wing website.

Conquest’s 3rd law states that:

The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies.

Example, the BBC, duh.

For a ‘no-prize’ can you name any organisation that has so far ESCAPED that fate?

Bifurcation. Planned system failure

I’m utterly disgusted with this government.

I could explain my title, but I don’t wanna.

If you really want to know what my title means, you can ask me ..

and I’ll wibble on about autopoietic wossname and emergent thingy and complex adaptive doobries

Seriously, anyone reading this article and my words, gets one free question to the acclaimed author of the 1999 bestseller Navigating Complexity, that’s moi, btw.

Merry Christmas.

Kathryn Bigelow’s Point Break

I can’t think of a better example of a CoP than the Surfer gang that Keanu, looking about 12 years old, has to infiltrate as an FBI noob…

And you can quote me, but please namecheck me

Does Ofsted have a mechanism by which it can learn from its many catastrophic failures, of which Ruth Perry is only the latest victim

I doubt very much that they do.

Our inspecting agencies seem only able to transmit, like a broken radio in a battlefield, under constant fire.

Transmit an assessment at the victim, then move on to the next target. They didn’t sound like an organisation that learns, they sound like a hunter-killer black ops team.

I bet Michael Give loves it, I can just picture him masturbating over a stack of gradgrindian Ofsted statistics…


I apologise, dear reader, I hope the mindbleach is near to hand.

Zen & the Art of Living Deeply

“With traditional arts in Asia much emphasis is put on long-term practice and effort, so as to reach continuously higher levels of skill development. There is a deeper character training happening as well, to reduce the ego’s voice, let go of fears, cultivate mindfulness, increase gratitude and live more fully in the present moment.” ~Christopher […]

Zen & the Art of Living Deeply

Good advice, so difficult to achieve…

This is the best statement I have ever read, in print or online, since 1998, about the duties of government and state, including the local state, AKA the public sector, AKA, the bloody council haven’t emptied the bins again!

And for that reason, I’m awarding it the annual PleXity Prize for “Outstanding Telling It Like It Is In Public Discourse”

And it’s written by a lady, who doesn’t work at the revered Institute for Local Government Studies at the University of Brum!

She is just a technology journo at the stupidly named i paper.

What Financial Engineering Does to Hospitals

It fucking destroys them